Electrical Contractor will require the licence if you intend to carry on a business as an electrician and undertake electrical work. Electrical work includes conducting electrical installing work and electrical fitting work. You may nominate employees under your licence to enable them to carry on electrical work under your supervision.
This licence can be issued to a sole-trader, a firm (partnership) or a body corporate (a company or other incorporated entity). The licence cannot be issued to a trust.
You will not require this licence if you are an employee of an electrical contractor. If you are an in-house electrician or an employer of an in-house electrician please see the in-house electrical installing work licence.
Any Business Registration proof
GST Certificate ( Must be anywhere in Uttar Pradesh)
All Directors/Partners/Prop. Pan card and AAdhaar card and Photo
Authorised Signatory Local Address Proof and Photo
List of Electrical Equipments and it's Invoice
Wireman-1 and Supervisor -2 Certificate ( issued by Uttar Pradesh Electrical Licensing Department) and there Address Proof and photo
Treasury Challan Payment copy
Validity of Licence is One year and In Every March Need to Renew